
Download structure of lipids
Download structure of lipids

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Some lipids, such as steroid hormones, act as chemical messengers between cells, tissues, and organs, while others transmit information between biochemical processes inside a single cell. Triglycerides are a form of lipid that is stored as fat in adipose cells, which serve as an energy storage depot for organisms as well as providing thermal insulation. In this entry, we will summarize our knowledge on structural diversity of lipids providing information on the various lipid classes and also fatty acids and lipid mediators that occur naturally.Lipids are a complex category of chemical molecules that include fats, oils, hormones, and some membrane components that are grouped together because they have little interaction with water. In addition to a structural role, lipids serve as important intermediates in cell signaling pathways (e.g., sphingolipids, inositol lipids, phosphatidic acid, lysophospholipids, oxidative products) and play a role in mediating cellular responses to the environment (Gunstone et al. Waxes as surface coverings are integral to water balance and also protect organisms from noxious environmental conditions. Arranged as bilayers, they establish permeability barriers for cells and organelles and provide a microenvironment for membrane-associated proteins as well as directly participating in metabolism and a multitude of membrane fusion events (Gurr et al. Polar lipids and sterols are important structural components of cell membranes where they may have many diverse functions. Triacylglycerols act as energy stores and metabolic fuels. According to their structures, lipids can be divided into two main groups: the nonpolar lipids (acylglycerols, sterols, nonesterified (free) fatty acids, hydrocarbons, alcohols, wax, and steryl esters) and polar lipids (phosphoglycerides, glycosyl glycerides, and sphingolipids). The wide range of chemical and physical properties of different lipids determines a variety of roles for these compounds in biological processes. Lipids represent some of the most complex biological molecules, and their diversity is crucial for their cellular functions. Restricted to Repository staff only until 9 December 2023 due to copyright restrictions.

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